Monday 30 September 2013

4 pitfalls you're not successful

Before we dive into the reasons why you may not be successful, lets first understand that success is very subjective to the person you are today. What you might think success is, another person will have a completely different answer. So whatever success means to you, this is a simple guideline that will outline some key principals to avoid so you will have continued success in your life. 
1.    Associations:  YOUR INCOME= Wrong Associations

                Who are the 5 people you hang out with the most? Now take the average lifestyle and income of those 5 people = YOU. You will be the average of the 5 people you hang out with most. Your associates dictate who you become and how you succeed. For example, have you ever caught an expression from one of your friends, or copied their behaviour? If you are hanging around the wrong people, this could have a negative effect on your life. On the other hand, if you hang out with people that you want to be like and have things similar to what they have than you are on track for success. Some people just want to make you feel bad, so they can feel better. We call these people the dream stealers. So be careful with who you associate with on your journey to success, because the people who you thought might be beside you in the beginning, might not be in the end.


2. Mental Health:  Wrong Associations + Unhealthy Foods = Mental Meltdown!

Do you find yourself eating fast foods a lot? Tired and low energy? In order to think and act success, you must feed your brain with the right energy sources. There are a lot of foods on the market that is very toxic to your brain and actually prevents you from thinking clearly. Have you ever felt completely drained and sleepy after eating a meal? Or even worse, upset stomach or headaches? This is your brain telling you to not put these foods in your body. Be aware of what your food intake is because you need a clear vision on the path to success. Just monitoring what your brain doesn't like and stay away from will make you feel a thousand times better. 

3. Poor Attitude: Wrong Associations + Unhealthy Foods + Mental Meltdowns + Negativity = Poor Attitude

Are you constantly thinking of the worst possible outcome of any situation? Are you always saying no right away to events and circumstances? Do you avoid change like the plague? This is all negative thinking and leads to negative actions. If you are not having the success you desire a lot of it is due to this negative thinking. This way of thinking is preventing you to jump on new opportunities, learn new things and most importantly enjoy life.

4 Personal Development: Wrong Associations + Unhealthy Foods + Mental Meltdowns + Negativity + Poor Attitude =success detractor

 When was the last time you read a book? Or pondered what I can do to be better? Have you ever thought to yourself, how do I learn more? This will categorically lead you down a spiral path of boringness and unfulfilled life. When you stop learn, you stop living. All successful people look for ways to better themselves by reading books and audios from great mentors. You’re learning never stops, it is something you have to embrace because you will always be changing and growing. Take advantage of it now and learn to succeed, learn to be great, learn to love learning!

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