Monday 30 September 2013

Is fear and failure holding you back?

Fear and Failure are both a choice we all make.

We were not born with the emotions of fear and failure, it's a choice. When you see that spider, or are told to present in front of people, you chose to be afraid.

Time to stop being afraid and be a kid again!

Think back when you were a kid, you would fall down and get back up. When you learned to walk and fell down, your parents never said, "Oh well you failed, stop while you're ahead" They encouraged you to keep trying until you got it right.


Because you have to be able to walk, no exceptions. That's how we need to treat our life's goals and ambitions. Of course you're going to "fail" but that's the only way to learn.

Imagine all of the successful people in the world, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, etc, told everyone is was really easy, no problems, just straight up to the top. Everyone would be doing it and what fun would that be? You wouldn't learn anything and you wouldn't be able to go through all the hardships any challenges and say you made it!

I'd be like playing a game of football on offense with no defense in front of you. There's not glory in that.

Thomas Edison, said " I have not failed, I have just found 10 000 ways that don't work"

Stop wanting what you think you don't want. 

Don't wish for things to get easier, wish for you to get better.

You want failures and fears because you know on the other side are successful lessons that will drive you to the top.

You must become best friends with fear and failure in order to succeed.

Be like an ant. No matter what the challenge you will go through the challenge, around it, over it, or under it! Don't give up!

It's impossible to stop a man or a women that will not quit!

          Don't Quit   

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