Monday 14 October 2013

3 ways to feel good RIGHT NOW!


 Just say out loud to yourself- "I FEEEEEL GRRREAT"! You will instantly start to smile and feel good. Your mind believes what you say. It can't tell the difference from truth or lie, so start using these 3 feel good tips right now. Just by saying to yourself that you feel great you will begin to throw your shoulders back, smile, and stand up tall and be proud of who you are; be happy!


Laughing is one of the greatest and underrated medicines in the world to feeling happy. It just makes everyone feel better in the room; it''s catchy. You can't help but smile or laugh when someone else is laughing and having a great time. This is a great method to feeling good. Surround yourself with a great group of friends that care for you and share funny stories together, and you will instantly feel better. Not only because you are laughing but because you are surrounded by other like minded people.
If none of your friends are available at the time you aren't feeling 100%, have a select few clips online that you always laugh at and find funny. For example "America's Funniest Home Video's" would be a great clip to watch to get you laughing again. Don't be afraid to laugh, everyone loves a good laugh, just be yourself, laugh away and instantly feel like your awesome self again.


If you are feeling a little down on yourself, go hug someone for 3-5 seconds, even a stranger if you have to (They'd enjoy it as well). When your body feels the affection of another body it instantly fires off endorphins to your brain and calms your nerves with security and compassion. This is a great remedy I use all the time that makes me feel good. Hug like you've never hugged before and feel good right now!

5 other quick tips to feeling good now:
Listen to Music
Create something with your hands
Go for a 20 Minute walk
Create your dream board.


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