Friday 29 November 2013

3 health tips that may surprise you

I want to share with you 3 very important health tips that may surprise you. In order to be successful you have to be healthy. What good is success if you can't enjoy because of your ill health.

From the health guru himself, Kevin Trudeau, has traveled around the world and has researched 1000's of natural health doctors and people that have learned to live a long and healthy live as he says from his  #1 best selling book, Natural Cures book- They don't want you to know about. He researched people you are able to live well into their 90's with vibrant health, full energy and a full head of hair, why can't we.

There are 1000's of great words of advice to a healthy lifestyle, from eating  vegan, eating meat, drinking milk everyday, how do you know who to listen to and the correct health plan to follow for true vibrant health.

Everyone has their own way of being healthy, but from his Natural Cures Book they don't want you to know about, Kevin Trudeau share some very simple tips that is backed by research and his personal experiences that you might want to consider.  He was able to determine 3 common healthy living tips to live by in order to live a long and healthy life that people around the world are practicing.

1. Walk at least 20 minutes a day (preferable in barefoot). Walking is a very healthy ailment for the mind and body. The sun light provides a significant energy source and re energizes your body. Especially walking on the ground in and digging you feet into the earths soil it releases most of the negative energy charges into the ground from your body.


2. Stay away from fast food chains Out of the 1000's of people Kevin studied he found out that they very rarely ate at fast food restaurants. Most of the food they ate was home cooked from food that was grown locally. The reality in North America, is nearly impossible to never eat from fast food chains. So realistically the studied showed that they ate at fast food chains for about 5% of their life. So for special occasions and celebrations, no problem. Dive in and indulge. Just minimizing these toxins from entering your body will help you live a long and healthy life.


An exerpt from his Natural Cures book;
"Fast food is simply some of the most nutritionally deficient and chemically loaded "food" on the planet. If the definition of food was "fuel for the body that also encourages life," fast food could no longer be called food. It should be called "fast, good tasting poison," which is a more accurate description of what it is. Oh, and did I tell you that it's designed to increase your appetite, make you physically addicted, and purposely constructed to make you obese?"

3.  Be careful of pharmaceutical drugs. Taking pharmaceutical drugs can lower your mental and phyical health and cause chemical imbalances in your body. There are many toxins and chemicals in pharmaseutical drugs that can be harmful to your body. Many of these healthy vibrant people rarely  took any kind of drug, even anything as "minimal" as advil.

From his Natural Cures book he further says;
"This is the description of a healthy person. A healthy person never has to take a drug. A healthy
person never has to have surgeries. A healthy person has no cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. A
healthy person lives without illness, sickness, or disease. Most people have no idea how good their
body is designed to feel. We have been brainwashed into believing that it is natural for a human
being to get colds and flus, have aches and pains, and have major medical problems like cancer,
diabetes, and heart disease.We are also brainwashed into believing that it's "natural" to take drugs"

Don't gamble with your health, be aware of what you are putting in your body.

Stop Settling, Start Living.

 This is my opinion and not FDA Approved.

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