Wednesday 4 December 2013

Is your life way to busy? 5 steps to prioritize your time better

Are you always finding that their isn't enough time in the day to complete tasks? Or are you wasting time that could be spend on more productive things?

If you want to be successful, it is important to realize that you won't be able to accomplish all the tasks in life that you want. Unfortunately the reality is that you won't be able to watch all the movies, read all the books, and do all the things in life that you want.

This is why we have to prioritize your life so you complete the most important tasks. If you learn how to prioritize properly you will be ahead in life. You will be accomplishing tasks daily, weekly and monthly, which will give you ultimate bliss    and happiness in your life, because you will have reached your goals.  

Time is our most valuable commodity. Unfortunately we can't control time. We can't go back in time or pause time, or get more time. Once the time has passed, its gone. So the phrase "time management" is in actuality not possible. You can prioritize your time but not manage it.

Before we can prioritize your life, you have to know what you want in life and have a burning desire for it's achievement. Now that you know what you want, we can set goals to achieve it.
  1.   Goal Setting

    • Long Term Goals (More than 1 year): Set your long term goals so you have something to strive towards. Then work your way backwards from there. To help,  ask yourself these important questions: 
    • What do I want to accomplish in the next 1-2 years that will make me happy? 
    • Mid Range Goals ( 1- 3 months). What can I  accomplish in the next 1 to 3 months that will help me reach my long term goal? 
    • Short Term ( Daily and weekly) what can I do today that will help me reach my mid range goals? 

   2.  Brain Dumb: Create a list of everything you have to do that week or even month. Every commitment,  task or meeting.

   3.  Prioritize A, B, or C


    • A :  Tasks you have to do, can't be moved, and if you don't do this you'll miss your goal or commitment
    • B : Task you must do, can be moved, and will become an A priority in the next week or so
    • C: Task that can be moved and it's nice to get done but not crucial
  • Place a time frame beside each task. 
    • For example:   Meet client at 8am (A Priority, 1.5hrs) 

   4.  Now you're ready to schedule. Find a scheduling book with an hourly schedule works best. 


    Start by scheduling all of your A priorities first.  Since they cannot be moved you don't want to miss these. 
    Then start scheduling your B and C priorities.
  • Key things to remember when scheduling

    • Slack time: planning a little extra time for each tasks. If you think you appointment will be 2 hours schedule it for 2 hours and 15 minutes. 
    • Travel Time
    • Meal Time
    • Sleep Time
    • Execution and Review Time: Don't forget to plan am hour every week to review this plan and make any necessary changes.  For example you may have thought dinner was 2 hours but you found you finished it in 1 hour. 
    • Stick to the plan. The more you plan the better you will get and the more effective you will be one with your time. 
  • A plan is only good if action is taken.  Since you've taken the time to plan your life and use your time most effectively,  just follow the plan and you'll achieve your successes.  Just do it.

          Stop settling.  Start living. 

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