Wednesday 4 December 2013

Dream Bigger

What if I told you,  the only difference between you and any successful person is time and the size of their dreams? 

This is proven to be true.  Successful people know what they want, have a strong burning desire for its achievement and have been practicing their big dreams longer than you have. 
I encourage you to dream bigger. Remove that glass ceiling you're putting on yourself.
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring himself to believe he WILL achieve"
You must learn two elements of success

1. Know what you want, with a burning desire to achieve it.
2. Dream big! 
To help you dream big here are a couple questions to consider:
  1. When you have all the time and the money in the world what will you do?
  2. If you were a superhero what would you do first?
  3. If you have vibrant health everyday and couldn't get sick,  what would you do?
  4. If you made $50 000/month what would you do with it?
One thing I recommend you do right now is start writing down everything you want.. Then we will create a dream board.

You see,  success is just merely what you can believe.  Whatever you think you can or cannot,  you're right. 

Here are some big dream ideas that you CAN accomplish.  Whatever your bliss is,  because you'll only do something if it makes you happy,  so believe in yourself and do it! 

  • Build a school
  • Start a business
  • Start a non profit organization
  • Invent something
  • Help a world cause
  • Become an actor and/or musician
  • Become a motivational speaker
  • Become President/Prime Minister
  • Learn 10 languages
  • Become professional sports player
  • Have your dream home,  car and significant other.
  • Talk to Oprah Winfrey or Warren Buffet
  • Change a social system for the better
As you go through this list,  we can all think of hundreds of people who have accomplished their dreams and have one or all of these big dreams.  

Stop watching others build their dreams on the TV and Internet.  Go out there and build your own. 
You have greatness within you.  Stop being selfish and bless the world with your greatness. 

Stop settling.  Start living.

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