Wednesday 4 December 2013

How do I become a master? 4 phases in learning EVERYTHING

 When ever you decide to learn any information you go through 4 phases to learn anything.
In order to be successful it is important to know which phase you are at and what you have to do in order to move into the next phase.

Here are the 4 phases you go through when learning anything. 

1. Unconscious Incompetence - this is the stage where you don't know that you don't know. You aren't aware of your lack of knowledge on how to tie your shoelace

2. Conscious Incompetence - this is the stage that you KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW. Your realization that you didn't know how to tie your shoelace.

3. Conscious Competence - This is when you know that you know, but you have to
consciously think about it. When you are thinking how to tie your shoelace;  "double loop, over,  under and done"

4. Unconscious Competence - This is when it is second nature;  when the information is part of you; you know it just as easily as you know your own name. You can bend down and tie your shoelace without thinking about it
To master any learning process you go through all four of these phases whether you are conscious of it or not. 

The first two stages happen quite quickly through your own recognition. 
The third stage is usually what most of us are in, in our lives.  In order to move into the fourth stage is through repetition of consciously knowing what you're doing.  Until it becomes internalized and you don't have to think about it any more. 

Use this new found power on your success journey to master the basics.
Now you know what you didn't know..
 What else don't you know?

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